Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Canadian Press: Snow, rain, fog, perfect conditions as freestyle skiers train for Olympics

The Canadian Press: Snow, rain, fog, perfect conditions as freestyle skiers train for Olympics: "The Canadian freestyle ski team battled soaking rain, heavy snow, high winds and a blinding blanket of fog during training on the 2010 Olympic venue on Cypress Mountain this week.

Perfect, said Peter Judge, the association's chief executive officer.

Learning to deal with the weather shifts on the north shore mountain is as important for the Canadian team as mastering a new jump for the aerials competition or finding a faster way to bust through the bumps on the mogul course, said Judge.

'It's exactly the psychological adversity we want them to face so they get used to dealing with those issues and it's not a problem for them,' Judge said Wednesday.

'Sometimes it's not what you want to do to go out and deal with these conditions but the event is going to happen and three people are going to stand on the podium. If you're not willing or ready or prepared to go out and deal with it, you won't be standing on the podium.'

Cypress Mountain will host both the freestyle competition and snowboard events at the 2010 Games. Freestyle skiing includes moguls and aerials.

During a two-hour period Wednesday the skies cleared enough to give skiers on Cypress Mountain a glimpse of tanker ships anchored in the ocean with Vancouver in the background. Then a heavy fog rolled in"

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